eternal return

eternal return
love is nowhere

I awoke again with a piercing pain in my heart

Lord OF LOrds

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


He flicked his long brown fringe out of his left blue eye. He looked to the heavens for a repreive from the devastation and apocalypse engorging itself on his perception. Around he scanned to make sure he was alone . He knew the people had gone but when. He had to make sure. Yes . He was alone. He screamed like  Fury.
Dropped . The sand like Valium was frozen. Damn deserts.
Turned his gaze to the sky. Holy Lord he saw implosions of blue atmosphere, levels of placental pure azure  enfolding in upon itself.  Swirls of clouds immersed itself in  explosive collapse. He flicked back his fringe again. Rubbed his eyes. "MY GOD!"  What happened? Did I do something ?  What was it that I did?  A certain unwanted stubborn type of guilt began to seep up his spine and into his cancerous bowels.

The sun was setting blown out of all proportion . Its size equaling the planet.  No heat though. Just blinding light. blood orange.  Like flesh and blood. Eyelid skin felt  melting in the light.

The sky was now vermillion . Yes  bloodred.  Like a sickening deadly heartbreak. 
Half the world was now in night.
Weighed down by colossal shame with his last ounce of inner strength he looked to the West horizon.
What?!  Another !  Wings of aN Angel?!! 
He rubbed his blurring eyes.
A silhouette of a mighty outstretched angel .  Angel of the West
Each time he had the strength to look up  she seemed closer until she finally stood monolithic before him.
His soul howled.
To himself whispered " My fucking God it is her she has come to destroy me. Why?  Why did I fuck with the laws of True Love?  Why did I ?  Why??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A voice, more heavenly and beautiful than Light whispered " I was sent for. I will not destroy you. Forgive yourself."

The man looked up to the angel, her eyes.  She was her. He broke her heart. Its HEr!!!!!!!!!!  His Tears flowed forth. His sobbing resounded throughout the universe.  He cried till all his water gone. " forgive me!!"

The Angel voice whispered " I forgive you.   .....  I love you."
Tears of blood waterfalled upon the sand.  HE smiled and howled " MY DEAR LADY"
Collapsed in black  and dead.  A dead smile. 
The angel lifted the guilt filled corpse and flew to the Sun.


MelusineBarby said...
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MelusineBarby said...


Oh, I wonder ...
He saw archangel archenemy (but normal people as i was told don´t have archenemies anymore)
... an ape

Oh, hell, i´m sure he saw someone, something who´s name starts with an A...

MelusineBarby said...

That´s what´s called HEIMSUCHUNG in German. Google Translator says "Visitation" but it´s not the same.

HEIM is "home"
SUCH(ung) is "to search"

It´s means (as a paradox) you´re "searched home" . I can´t explain it. Sorry.

It´s what the Angel does when he appears in front of Mary to tell her about her pregnancy. Angels are cruel. Somehow. (In the bible all Angels are male.)

But I see what you mean. Great pic, too.