eternal return

eternal return
love is nowhere

I awoke again with a piercing pain in my heart

Lord OF LOrds

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I judged the distance , we appeared so close but I was light years away. The doctor told me its very normal ,oh very normal indeed. I was crying in a cupboard of my youth in the dark hoping that somehow this would all end. I begged and prayed to you God , I prayed and prayed but nothing .......just that very familiar silence. Turning the keys in the ignition and hearing the motor start I could feel the wild freedom of speed. I was going to move away from where I was and that meant so much. I sped without a thought for the lives of others, pfffft., the lives of others. what funny words. I sped as fast as I could down the long highway till I saw a girl and I stopped. again I was still. I felt the pains begin again. I was so tired of the pain . the purpose of movement is to find repose. i find a mad stilllness and a sad stillness. i looked over at where the girl had been but she had moved on.
It was windy and dark I struggled to large tree, and stood by it close by and breathed heavily. at it. its branches swayed sweetly in the wind the wind through the leaves made me feel it. that feeling i was searching for. it felt right because it was nature and instinct and nothingness whispering itself to me and I understood, i UNDERSTOOD ALL IS NOTHING., I spent the rest of the black night under the tree smiling and wishing the sun would never rise but it fucking did,. and I was furious. the  wind stopped aND then it began. Them humans and their lives. Traffic jAMS, office zombies,polite drones that I fear and hate. I know that I must keep moving  moving moving because theyre evrywhere and I know I know from the very bottom of my honest soul they do not live but brerathe aN AIR SO FOUL i must find a place to hide far away. I know they are dead, why do I live?How do you die like they do without noticing. I want them all to die, I know the fire will come and  they will eat themselves and I will happily watch them all burn in the Apocalyptic fires. oh what a lovely day oh what a wonderful day it would be.

1 comment:

MelusineBarby said...

Well done! Take another ride!